Thank you for visiting my author page!

Here you will find information about everything I have in publication and what I'm working on now. My genres include Young Adult Paranormal Fiction, Adult Paranormal Fiction and Romance.

Because I can't resist, I will also try to frequently blog a favorite quote from one of the many, many books I've read. Some days they'll be funny, others, hopefully, thought provoking.

Below are links to the first chapters of each of my books in publication.


May 18, 2011

Literary Quote of the Day

"After spending a petless year with only one child still living at home, my parents visited a breeder and returned with a Great Dane they named Melina.  They loved this dog in proportion to its size, and soon their hearts had no room for anyone else.  In terms of mutual respect and admiration, their six children had been nothing more than a failed experiment.  Melina was the real thing.  The house was given over to the dog, rooms redecorated to suit her fancy.  Enter your former bedroom and you'd be told, 'You'd better not let Melina catch you in here,' or, 'This is where we come to peepee when there's nobody home to let us outside, right, girl!'  The knobs on our dressers were whittled down to damp stumps, and our beds were matted with fine, short hairs.  Scream at the mangled leather carcass lying at the foot of the stairs, and my parents would roar with laughter.  'That's what you get for leaving your wallet on the kitchen table.'"

~ David Sedaris, Me Talk Pretty One Day

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